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We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to our church. Our mission is to be fully devoted to Jesus Christ by opening our arms to those in search of the truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man at every opportunity, through works of charity and opening our doors to listen, share and love.

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15th 3rd Sunday of Advent
8.15am Holy Communion 
11am Family Service 
3pm Ecumenical Christmas Service
Friday 20th 9.15am School Christmas Play and End of Term Presentations 
Saturday 21st 6.30pm for 7pm Start "Solstice" An Evening of Music in Church
22nd 4th Sunday of Advent
11 am Village Readings and Carols Arrival of Mary, Joseph and the 3 Kings
24th Christmas Eve 11.30pm Midnight Communion - for the Benefice.
29th The First Sunday of Christmas 
8.15am Holy Communion Only 














Our Church offers a traditional, unique and exceptionally beautiful setting for your most sacred and special celebration. The canal is

to one side, the River Lune across the road, with the Bowland and Lakeland Fells as a backdrop.

Our wonderful Grade II listed Church really does make a stunning wedding venue.

Please contact the Vicar, Rev. Gary Lewis, to enquire about dates and feel free to call into Christ Church at any time.

Please do contact the vicar, Rev Gary Lewis on 01524 791390

with any queries or for more information about Christ Church, Glasson. 


Throughout the year we have a range of events, raising funds for Christ Church and also for local charities and larger charities. Regular highlights of the year include, The Flower Festival, over the August Bank Holiday Weekend, the Folk Concert in May and the Ceilidh in November. There are regular collectors book fairs throughout the year. 


Please explore the website and see the events section for a couple of videos from previous Folk Concerts and one or two photographs on the Gallery Page. Or just scroll down to get a feel for Christ Church.                      


  *Watercolour by Erik Pomfret

* All photographs on this site are subject to copyright, on behalf of Christ Church, Erik Pomfret and Emma Dickinson, and may not be reproduced or copied in any way or under any circumstances.


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